An Talla Solais Art Library

Nestled in a cosy space in the heart of An Talla Solais is our Art Library.

An Talla Solais Art Library will be open during the Exhibition season for visitors to use and enjoy. Over the winter An Talla Solais Members are able to order loans on-line, but the library will not be able to visit in person.

If you would like details on becoming a member please see the Membership page. 

The books in this collection have been donated over the years by supporters of An Talla Solais.

Significant recent contributions to the Library have been made by :

Steven Keeler, Jean Urquart and Eleanor White and it is with thanks to their generous donations and those of many others over the years that we are able to present such a rich and varied collection of Art books for our Members and Visitors to benefit from.

WINTER LIBRARY - One Month loans

Over the winter months while the Gallery is closed we are still offering our members a chance to borrow books from the Library. This is an On- Line process. To view the Library catalogue and titles available click on the link below. You can then order the book/s you would like online.

Books can be borrowed for one month loans over winter. They can be collected and deposited at the An Talla Solais Building. Details on collection / returns when you order your books.

  1. Click the Library Catalogue link below

  2. Take a note of the title/s you want to borrow

  3. Order the book/s by clicking the ‘Contact the Event Organiser’ button below and this will take you though to the site where you can make contact with the Event Organiser and place your order.

Curated Book Lists 

Books inspired by our Exhibition Programme -

‘Search’, Susan Lorna Brown,

22nd March - 4th May

In response to one of our first exhibitions of the season: “Search” by Susan Lorna Brown, which opens this Friday evening at An Talla Solais, our Art Library - Librarian has chosen a selection of books from our increasingly exquisite collection available at An Talla Solais in the Art Library.

Susan’s influences and inspirations are wide and far reaching -

“In making art I am influenced by a few artists. Initially, I found Dali with his development of worlds that made me start to think that there was an unreal space behind life. Seeing work by Escher lead me down another yet similar path to more worlds that cannot exist. On a trip to Edinburgh, I saw a painting of Mount Vesuvius erupting by Jacob Moore, the sense of light he achieved has stuck with me.

Along with my artwork, I write down observations that come to me when out for walks, with music streaming. I was intrigued to start doing so after coming across Jim Morrison of The Doors. Their music inspired me along with the likes of Pink Floyd, Elbow and Keane.

Other people who made me think were Rachel Whiteread the sculptor and Brian Cox the physicist. Patrick Moore allowed me a vision into space from an early age on “The Sky at Night”. These inspirations have flowed through my artwork and developed into what I have been creating up to this exhibition.”

Susan Lorna Brown

Susan’s exhibition will run from 22nd March to 4th May . Wednesdays - Sundays 10am - 5pm . Free and open to all.

The An Talla Solais Art Library is nestled in the gallery building with a collection of art books for members to borrow for 3 week loans and to everyone as reference. See website for details.

With thanks to the Gordon and Ena Baxter Foundation.